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Lesson 1 - Understanding of 3Ds Max user interface

- Understanding & using 3Ds Max viewports

- Understanding 3Ds Max hierarchy of buttons & shortcut keys

- Viewing & navigating your 3Ds Max viewport using pan, zoom & orbit tool

- Setting units measurement in 3Ds Max like mm or inches
- Creating basic 3D shapes (standard primitives like box, sphere & cylinder)

- Understanding the 3Ds Max Gizmo (X-axis, Y-axis & Z-axis indicator)

- Using the Move, Rotate & Scale tool correctly

- Copying 3D objects using 3Ds Max Clone function

- Changing 3Ds Max visual styles from shaded to wireframe & vice versa

- Using & setting 3Ds Max object snaps (endpoint, midpoint & grid point)

- Changing 3Ds Max views using shortcut key

- Using the 3Ds Max Auto Grid function to target 3D surfaces

- Using 3Ds Max angle snap, align & mirror tool

- Moving & Rotating in 3Ds Max accurately using offset values

- Building a Simple 3D scene

Lesson 2 - Creating object with more options


- Drawing simple 2D shapes like line, arc, circle, ellipse & text in 3Ds Max
- Extruding polygon to shape a 3D model
- Changing 3D object’s color, length, width & height measurements

- Group & Ungroup 3D models
- Using 3Ds Max Modify button to change 3D objects parameter
- Using 3DS Max Pro-Boolean function

- Inserting a camera inside a 3Ds Max scene

- Inserting & Positioning the 3DS Max Camera

- Setting 3Ds Max materials like metallic colors, glass, chrome, steel, wood etc.
- Adding materials into the created 3Ds Max scene
- Build a Simple 3D scene with materials texture, Rendering image and save into an jpeg format

- Changing background environment of a 3Ds Max scene

Lesson 3 - Creating 3D scene with materials

- Building an Interior Design structure of a building with specific measurements

- Building an Interior Design structure using 3Ds Max

- Importing ready made 3Ds models library (.3ds files) into 3DS Max scene
- Adding in materials into the created 3Ds Max scene
- Saving customized materials as a template as a library (.mat file)
- Importing material from other source into material library
- Using advanced material mapping techniques with UVW map functions

- Inserting V-ray lightings into 3Ds Max scene (V-ray Plane Light , V-ray Sun & V-Ray IES)

Lesson 4 - Understanding VRay Rendering concepts

- Changing the default 3Ds Max renderer to VRay Renderer

- Setting & Customizing VRay materials

- Inserting VRay Light Plane inside the 3DS Max scene

- Creating VRay Light Material using material library

- Constructing an enclosed interior design with VRay lightings

- Creating a window opening for the interior design

- Inserting VRay Sun effects into 3DS Max scene (sun light from exterior)

- Configuring the VRay Renderer settings to achieve realistic rendering

- VRay Rendering techniques for high speed renderings

- VRay Rendering techniques with high quality renderings

- Importing AutoCAD drawings (.dwg files) into 3DS Max file (.max)

- Application of knowledge on final project (Interior 3Ds Scene)

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